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于 2009-04-23 发布 文件大小:23KB
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  在Matlab中可以使用的波特图的例子源码,直接打开即可。(Source codes of Bode Plot in Matlab.)



0 个回复

  • shpath
    matlab robot path p]an short path
    2012-04-18 04:03:43下载
  • multitool
    MIMO Multitool for multiple input and muliple outputs
    2011-06-11 10:56:36下载
  • SVP
    支持向量机用于分类程序,是我的毕业论文程序。(Support vector machines for classification procedures, is my thesis process.)
    2010-08-04 22:20:12下载
  • FCM_Step
    the steps of fuzzy c means algorithm which is coded in matlab
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  • lagrange多项式插值
    说明:  三弯矩插值法 lagrange多项式插值 多项式最小二乘法 龙贝格积分法 分段线性插值 三转角插值 这些是数值分析中常用的集中经典方法,运用matlab展示出来!(three polynomial interpolation Hangzhou least squares polynomial interpolation Romberg integration subparagraph Line sex angle interpolation three interpolation these numerical analysis is commonly used in concentrated classical methods, and use Matlab show!)
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  • nsga-airtrafficcontrol
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  • PAPR_Reduction_ACE_POCS
    代码中描述了用星座图扩展法(Active Constellation Extension,ACE)降低OFDM时域信号的PAPR,ACE的具体算法是凸集映射(Projection Onto Convex Sets,POCS)(These codes describe PAPR reduction using Active Constellation Extension (ACE). The detailed algorithm is Projection Onto Convex Sets (POCS))
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  • Poincaer
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  • VLE
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  • spectrumsensingincognitiveradiobasedonenergydetect
    认知无线电是一种用于提高无线电通信频谱利用率的新的智能技术. 首先简述认知无线电的背景和概念,针 对认知无线电的频谱感知功能,详细地分析基于能量检测的频谱检测方法,在此基础上研究了噪声方差的不确定 性对检测性能的影响. 针对无线信号检测具有本地局域性和能量检测存在信噪比极限的特点,提出一种分布式有 限合作检测机制,推导出基于“OR”规则的有限合作机制的检测概率,并进行Monte Carlo仿真.(Cognitive radio is a radio communications spectrum used to improve the efficiency of the new smart technology. First, the background and outlined the concept of cognitive radio, spectrum sensing for cognitive radio capabilities, a detailed analysis of the spectrum based on energy detection test In this study the noise variance based on the uncertainty of the detection performance. for wireless signal detection with local detection of localized and there is signal to noise ratio limit of the energy characteristics of a distributed cooperative detection mechanism, derived out based on " OR" rules of the detection probability of the limited cooperation mechanism and conduct Monte Carlo simulation.)
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