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于 2009-11-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  canny 算法,主要用于图像的边缘检测,是经典的一个方法(canny algorithm, mainly used for image edge detection, is a classical method of)



0 个回复

  • FEM-and-MATLAB-programming
    本书以有限单元基本理论为重点,以MATLAB程序为平台,以工程实例为背景,介绍 了有限元法及其程序设计方法。 本书讲述结构分析中有限元法的基本原理,单元类型包括平面杆系,空间杆系,平面等 参元,空间等参元,薄板壳单元和厚板壳单元等。内容涉及杆系结构、平面问题、空间问题和板壳问题。以结构线弹性静力分析为主,同时也讲述了结构的振动、稳定和动力响应分析。(This book is the basic theory of finite elements as the key to the MATLAB program as a platform to project examples as the background, the finite element method and its programming. This book describes the structural analysis of the basic principles of the finite element method, cell types including flat bar, space bar, flat isoparametric element, space isoparametric element, sheet shell and thick shell element and so on. Covering the truss structure, flat issues, space issues and shell problems. Structural linear elastic static analysis-based, but also about the structural vibration, stability and dynamic response analysis.)
    2020-10-31 12:59:55下载
  • malab30
    本文件包含30个matlab小程序,简单容易理解,适合初学者很好的学习matlab。(This document contains 30 small matlab program, simple and easy to understand, good for beginners to learn matlab.)
    2013-03-20 11:41:24下载
  • shuanghuan
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  • num2
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