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于 2020-07-02 发布 文件大小:698KB
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  IDA简易入门教程,反汇编程序工具的使用(IDA simplified form for beginners tutorials, disassembler the use of tools)





0 个回复

  • Clx
    此为笔者整理的大学C语言常考程序题,供大家参考学习(C language)
    2017-05-05 13:34:19下载
  • C-Technique
    C语言是一种计算机程序设计语言,它既具有高级语言的特点,又具有汇编语言的特点。它的功能性非常强大,目前是各高校的一门必修课。并且市场上许多软件也是基于C语言的平台而产生的,所以C语言在大学中的教学也称得上是"不遗余力"。但是近些年很多的学生普遍反映C语言晦涩难懂,不容易学透,非常努力的学最后却得不能心满意足,课程过后一无所获,甚至一个小小的程序都写不出来,于是针对这些情况就做出一些初步的分析,并且从C语言编程技巧上提出相关的改善对策。 (C language is a computer programming language, both with advanced language features, but also has characteristics of assembly language. Its function is very powerful, is now a required course in colleges and universities. And also a lot of software on the market based on the C language, platform and produce, so C language teaching at the university is also described as a "spare no effort." But in recent years, a lot of students generally reflect the C language obscure, not easy to learn thoroughly, very hard to learn, but finally could not have satisfied the course after nothing, even a small program that can not write, so for these situations to to make some preliminary analysis, and from the C programming language skills relevant improvement measures put forward.)
    2013-10-08 20:40:35下载
  • Maopao
    分别用C语言和汇编语言实现冒泡排序,有汇编语言实现时的流程图,通过比较运行的时间,体现汇编的高效(This is a best program which can help you learn huibain is more better.)
    2014-05-07 18:31:54下载
  • 847457336
    VB汇编指令操作类(CALL注入)源程序,有需要的就下载吧。(VB class assembly instruction (CALL injection) source, there is a need to download it.)
    2013-08-17 01:06:08下载
  • AN1004
    This article covers the so-called "min-cost flow" problem, which has many applications for both TopCoder competitors and professional programmers. The article is targeted to readers who are not familiar with the subject, with a focus more on providing a general understanding of the ideas involved rather than heavy theory or technical details for a more in-depth look at this topic, check out the references at the end of this article, in particular [1].
    2009-11-30 10:18:10下载
  • diancai
    点菜 能实现结账买卖等功能 结账份数能累加 是一个简单的工程(Order to achieve balance sheet transactions and other functions can check out copies of the works is a simple additive)
    2010-11-23 13:17:37下载
  • DMX512
    DMX512数据协议、DMX512控制协议及其实现、舞台灯光控制技术与DMX512(DMX512 data protocol, DMX512 control protocol and its implementation, stage lighting control technology and DMX512)
    2020-10-10 14:37:34下载
  • Source
    科学与工程数值计算算法(Visual C++版),全是代码(Science and Engineering numerical calculation algorithm (Visual C++ version), all the code)
    2009-10-07 20:36:30下载
  • 444
    光立方制作的源代码,可以直接输入进行编程,减少菜鸟编程实践 (Light cube made of the source code, you can directly enter the program, reducing the rookie programming practice)
    2013-10-16 14:44:27下载
  • The-maximum-number-of-five
    求五位数各位数字的平方和为100的最大的五位数(Seeking five digits of the square and 100, the largest number of five)
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