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于 2020-06-29 发布 文件大小:286KB
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  利用遗传优化算法设计磁体线圈的程序包,matlab环境编写(The use of genetic optimization algorithm design magnet coil package, matlab environment for the preparation of)



0 个回复

  • ImageCompression_ANN
    Image Compression using Artificial Neural Networks This code is developed in MATLAB 6.5 and can used in Windows platform. Program contain all necessary files. For training the network use Train.m and Codec.m compress images by trained network.
    2010-05-11 15:49:12下载
  • ch1
    一个计算机辅助技术与仿真技术的实例,主要是讲解matlab与自动控制系统相结合的技术(Examples of a computer-aided technology and simulation technology, mainly on the matlab and automatic control systems combine technology)
    2013-12-27 19:50:08下载
  • matlab3
    这是一个关于matlab里主要函数和主要命令的文档,里面介绍的比较详尽~希望对大家有用(It is a major function in matlab and major command document, which described in detail to all of us ~ I hope useful)
    2008-01-05 11:05:07下载
  • ambiguity
    适合任何信号的模糊函数的画法。运行时要明白要要输入的那几个字母的实际含义。首先要将你的信号进行离散化,Signal elements(u_basic)就是你的信号矢量。Frequency coding in units of 1/tb你信号的采样频率,Over sampling ratio表示要满足采样定理(采样频率大于两边以上信号最高频率),其他的直接翻译过来就可以了 (Ambiguity function for any signal of painting. Run-time to understand that to enter a few letters to the actual meaning. First, you want to discrete signals, Signal elements (u_basic) is your signal vector. Frequency coding in units of 1/tb your signal sampling frequency, Over sampling ratio that should satisfy the sampling theorem (sampling frequency is greater than the highest frequency signal on both sides of the above), the other can be directly translated to the)
    2010-10-01 14:45:44下载
  • cordic_EasyMatlab
    自己编的Matlab实现旋转模式的CORDIC代码,附对应的参考资料,一看就懂。(Matlab realize their series rotation mode CORDIC code, with corresponding reference data, one can understand.)
    2013-08-29 18:56:01下载
  • Arnold
    阿诺德算法,用于图像加密的阿诺的算法。可以直接使用matlab软件实现。(Arnold algorithms for image encryption the Arnold algorithms. Matlab software can be used directly.)
    2013-03-09 13:39:51下载
  • nsga_2
    我自己编写的简单的nsga2程序,对于初次接触该算法的朋友会有很大帮助(I have written a simple nsga2 program will be very helpful for the initial contact with the friends of the algorithm)
    2013-04-16 09:29:54下载
  • cacmcisi
    mat file for testing clustering
    2011-05-30 20:53:20下载
  • alternator
    alternator matlab file very good
    2014-01-16 17:26:38下载
  • rk4
    初始值问题的数值求解。利用MATLAB编写RK4计算程序,计算结果准确。可为研究工作提供帮助。(The numerical solution of the initial value problem.)
    2019-05-11 09:05:29下载
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