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于 2010-10-19 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  基本的粒子群优化算法代码 开发环境matlab7.0(The basic particle swarm optimization algorithm code development environment matlab7.0)



0 个回复

  • MATLAB0002
    初学matlab的教程,比较全面,比较实用,此部分为第二部分。(Matlab beginner tutorial, more comprehensive, more practical, this part of the second part.)
    2013-07-16 22:24:11下载
  • 2
    说明:  微网系统并网和离网两种状态的研究仿真。内容详细,常用控制算法的对比研究与仿真(Micro-grid systems and networks and off-grid simulation study of two states. Detailed, comparative study of commonly used control algorithms and simulation)
    2015-04-21 14:28:38下载
  • juliangfa
    矩量法是求解电磁场边界值问题中一种行之有效的数值方法.它所做的工作是将积分方程化为差分方程,或将积分方程中积分化为有限求和,从而建立代数方程组,故它的主要工作量是用计算机求解代数方程组.所以,在矩量法求解代数方程组过程中,矩阵规模的大小涉及到占用内存的多少,在很大程度上影响了计算的速度.如何尽可能的减少矩阵存储量,成为加速矩量法计算的关键.此处介绍了方法(MoM is the solution of electromagnetic field boundary value problem in an effective numerical method. It is the work done by integral equations into differential equations, or integral equations into a finite sum of points, so as to establish algebraic equations Therefore, it is the main workload of the computer to solve algebraic equations. Therefore, in the moment method for solving algebraic equations, the matrix size relates to the amount of memory, to a large extent affected the speed of calculation. how to maximize the reduction of matrix storage has become accelerated MoM calculation of the key. introduce the method here)
    2008-06-08 11:12:09下载
  • Dvr-linear-harmonics
    This paper describes the problem of voltage sags and swells and its severe impact on non linear loads or sensitive loads. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) has become popular as a cost effective solution for the protection of sensitive loads voltage sags and swells. The control of the compensation voltages in DVR based on dqo algorithm is discussed. It first analyzes the power circuit of a DVR system in order to come up with appropriate control limitations and control targets for the compensation voltage control. The proposed control scheme is simple to design. Simulation results carried out by Matlab/Simulink verify the performance of the proposed method.
    2014-10-09 01:24:00下载
  • IsomapR1
    Instructions for Isomap code.
    2007-11-22 09:04:05下载
  • TW8832_spec_0318_2010
    techwell公司tw8832s的芯片手册,希望对开发tw8832s有帮助!!(techwell chip company tw8832s manual, want to help the development tw8832s! !)
    2010-12-01 23:06:00下载
  • yiweiqiuzuobiaoCSM
    一维球坐标系下辐射传递方程切比雪夫配置点谱方法求解(One-dimensional spherical coordinates radiative transfer equation Chebyshev collocation spectral method for solving)
    2013-07-22 08:51:20下载
  • PSO_base_RBF1
    这个是基于PSO粒子群算法的RBF径向基网络(This is based on particle swarm optimization PSO RBF radial basis function network)
    2014-12-25 16:31:08下载
  • cluster
    聚类的MATLAb代码程序~此代码实现的为K均值聚类~(Clustering MATLAb code- This code implements the program for K-means clustering ~)
    2013-11-23 19:28:10下载
  • KalmanAll
    关于卡尔曼滤波的matlab代码,其中包含了滤波的主算法,以及使用EM查找最大可能的估计参数,随机样本等等(Kalman filter matlab code, which contains the main algorithm filtering, and the use of EM to find the best possible estimate parameters of a random sample, etc.)
    2021-02-19 01:49:45下载
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