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Huffman coding code decoding system describes the use of Huffman coding informat...

于 2023-09-09 发布 文件大小:2.49 kB
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哈夫曼码的编码译码系统 问题描述 利用哈夫曼编码进行信息通讯可以大大提高信道利用率,缩短信息传输时间,降低传输成本。但是,这要求在发送端通过一个编码系统将待传输的数据预先编码:在接受端通过一个译码系统对传来的数据进行译码(复原)。对于双向传输信息的通道,每端都需要一个完整的编码译码系统。试为这样的信息收发站编写一个哈夫曼码的编码译码系统。-Huffman coding code decoding system describes the use of Huffman coding information can be greatly improved communication channel utilization, reduced transmission time, and lower transmission costs. However, this requires the transmitter through a coding system will be pre-transmission of data encoding : the receiving end through a decoding system to conduct data from the decoder (recovery). For the two-way transmission of information access, each side needs a complete Coding System. Examination of this information hubs to prepare a code of Huffman coding decoding system.



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