首页 » 通信 » 小波分析用于渐进传输(VC)源代码 examples 目录中存放的是渐进传输的应用举例,包含有所需的.dll文件; wavelet 目录中存放的是具体的...

小波分析用于渐进传输(VC)源代码 examples 目录中存放的是渐进传输的应用举例,包含有所需的.dll文件; wavelet 目录中存放的是具体的...

于 2023-08-29 发布 文件大小:661.74 kB
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小波分析用于渐进传输(VC)源代码 examples 目录中存放的是渐进传输的应用举例,包含有所需的.dll文件; wavelet 目录中存放的是具体的实现源代码; wavelet 子目录中存放的是基本的小波处理函数代码; wavelet_plugin 子目录中存放的是.dll的实现代码。-Wavelet analysis for progressive transmission (VC) source code examples directory is stored in the application of progressive transmission, for example, contains the required. Dll files wavelet directory is stored in the realization of specific source code wavelet stored in a subdirectory is the basic treatment of wavelet function code wavelet_plugin subdirectory is stored. dll the realization of the code.



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