程序用C++模拟了操作系统中的三种最典型的简单的静态进程调度算法;先由用户动态输入生成模拟进程,使用了26种可供用户选择的典型语句(包括循环、选择结构),可处理整型、布尔型与字符型三种数据与表达式计算;程序编制时主要采用的编程技术是:用语句链表记录进程语句,并用PCB链表,就绪队列链表,阻塞队列链表,执行队列链表,结束队列链表等数据表示进程处理过程中的相互关系,由于静态数据结构不适合处理数据量大小不定的数据,而动态队列结构适合于处理数据量大小可变数据的处理,因此在程序中采用动态链表对这些数据进行处理;使用信号量、P.V.操作实现进程的同步与互斥,模拟进程在操作系统中的运行-procedures C to simulate the operating system, the three most typical process simple static scheduling algorithm; First generation user input dynamic modeling process, the use of the 26 options are available to users of typical statement (including the circle, choose structure), can handle integer, boolean and three character expression data and calculation; the main procedures for the preparation of the programming technology : Listless statement recorded statement process, and PCB Chain, ready Queue List, blocking Queue List, the Executive Queue List, ending Queue List data processing, said the process of mutual relations, due to static state data structure is not suitable for handling data on the s