SPI接口实验LED显示 -SPI Interface SPI Interface experimental experimental LED display LED display
- 2022-01-25 17:55:06下载
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DE2 练习源码2-3
Part III
Figure 2a shows a circuit for a full adder, which has the inputs a, b, and ci, and produces the outputs s and co.
Parts b and c of the figure show a circuit symbol and truth table for the full adder, which produces the two-bit
binary sum cos = a + b + ci. Figure 2d shows how four instances of this full adder entity can be used to design
a circuit that adds two four-bit numbers. This type of circuit is usually called a ripple-carry adder, because of
the way that the carry signals are passed from one full adder to the next. Write VHDL code that implements this
circuit, as described below.
- 2022-02-01 03:42:27下载
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台湾SUNPLUS的MP3播放器原理图-Taiwan SUNPLUS MP3 player schematic
- 2022-05-22 11:13:08下载
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应用背景NRF24L01 无线模块,采用的芯片是 NRF24L01,该芯片的主要特点如下:
1)2.4G 全球开放的 ISM 频段,免许可证使用。
2)最高工作速率 2Mbps,高校的 GFSK 调制,抗干扰能力强。
3)125 个可选的频道,满足多点通信和调频通信的需要。
4)内置 CRC 检错和点对多点的通信地址控制。
该芯片通过 SPI 与外部 MCU 通信,最大的 SPI 速度可以达到 10Mhz。本章我们用到的模
块是深圳云佳科技生产的 NRF24L01,该模块已经被很多公司大量使用,成熟度和稳定性都是
相当不错的关键技术该芯片通过 SPI 与外部 MCU 通信,最大的 SPI 速度可以达到 10Mhz
- 2022-03-01 03:30:31下载
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mega 128 ADC
mega 128 ADC + UART-mega 128 ADC
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NT7532 ARM
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8x8 dot matrix LED display source code on C8051F500
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ads1211 write register, read data, using C language written in a little change c...
ads1211写寄存器,读数据,用C语言写成,稍微改动就可移植-ads1211 write register, read data, using C language written in a little change can be transplanted
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FAT32 文件系统中文规范,对你可能有很大帮助。
FAT32 文件系统中文规范,对你可能有很大帮助。-Chinese norms of FAT32 file system, you may have been inspired by them.
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embedded platform under an aircraft applications. Source code for a detailed des...
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