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于 2023-08-09 发布 文件大小:37.07 kB
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心得三――按下鼠标哪个键 1.实验目的 (1)首先打开VC++6.0打开File菜单,New命令建立一个Win32 Application类型的工程,注意,在建立工程时在第2步选择"A simple Win32 application.".利用windows API函数进行编程的入门,编写简单的Windows应用程序,建立窗口. (2)在此基础上实现如下功能:鼠标键按下时,弹出消息框通知用户是按下了鼠标的哪个键 -experience-- which press the mouse button 1. Experiment (1) First, open the VC 6.0 Open File menu, the establishment of a New Order Win32 Application types of projects, that the establishment of projects in the first two-step selection "A simple Win32 application." . windows API function using programmed entry, to prepare a simple Windows application procedures, the establishment of the window. (2) In this on the basis of the following functions : pressing the mouse button, pop-up message box to inform the user is pressing the mouse button which



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