用C语言编写程序,以单链表为存储结构,对学生成绩进行处理,要求实现如下功能: (1)随意输入1班至少10人的学号、成绩,将数据按成绩由高到低的顺序保存在一个...
用C语言编写程序,以单链表为存储结构,对学生成绩进行处理,要求实现如下功能: (1)随意输入1班至少10人的学号、成绩,将数据按成绩由高到低的顺序保存在一个单链表中;随意输入2班至少10人的学号、成绩,将数据按成绩由高到低的顺序保存在另一个单链表中; (2)对至少4人的成绩进行修正,输入班级、学号和成绩修正,如+5,-3,-10,+2,但仍要保持数据按成绩由高到低有序; (3)分别按顺序输出两个班的成绩表。 (4)将两个班的单链表合并成一个单链表,数据仍按成绩由高到低有序; (5)按成绩由高到低的顺序输出两个班的成绩总表,含班级、学号、成绩信息。 -C language programming, a single-linked list structure for storage, for the performance of their students, call for the following functions : (a) a duty free importation of at least 10 people, the school, achievements, data based on merit is in the order kept in a single-linked list; free importation of two classes of at least 10 people, the school, achievements, data based on merit is in the order of another single-linked list; (2) at least four pairs of accomplishments that, the importation of class, school and accomplishments amendments, such as 5,-3,-10, 2, but they still maintain data based on merit ranking and orderly; (3) the sequence of two classes of output reports. (4) the two classes of sin