This book reveals the C++ programmers to create the mysteries of a world
本书揭示了C++程序员创建世界级软件的奥秘。程序设计大师Herbert Schildt通过将C++语言广泛应用于功能强大的编程任务中,全面展示了C++语言的多功能性,敏捷性,和艺术性。本书内容包括探索C++的功能,创建内存管理的垃圾回收器子系统,开发线程控制面板,建立译码器以扩展C++的功能,开发可断点续传的Internet文件下载工具,创建财务分析库,用基于AI的搜索技术探索人工智能,建立定制的STL容器,以及开发Mini C++解释程序。-This book reveals the C++ programmers to create the mysteries of a world-class software. Programming by Herbert Schildt Master C++ language is widely used in powerful programming tasks, a comprehensive picture of the C++ language, versatility, agility and artistry. The book will include exploration of the functions of C++, create a memory management subsystem of the garbage collector, thread control panel to develop and establish decoder to expand the functions of C++, the development of the Internet HTTP Download tools, the creation of financial Analysis of the Treasury, AI-based search technology to explore artificial intelligence, the establishment of customized STL containers, and the development of Mini C++ interpreter.