According to the mouse tracking and location of the section to write code, yello...
跟据鼠标跟踪和位置判断来写的一段代码,把黄蚂蚁定在黑蚂蚁的周围的一个“回”字圈里,当黑蚂蚁走出外围时,黄蚂蚁就会跟上去,当两只蚂蚁在"回"字最里圈时,黄蚂蚁就会离开黑蚂蚁往外走! 有点像一对情人,分久必合,合久必分!-According to the mouse tracking and location of the section to write code, yellow ants set at the black ants around a "return" character lap, when black ants out of the external, Huang will keep pace with the ants, when two ants in "return" the most laps Lane, yellow ants will be left out of black ants go! a bit like a lover, a long-Hopewell, a long time of separation!