检测语法的Edit类-detection syntax Edit category
- 2022-01-21 21:41:29下载
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A similar VB code editor. Through more than one document template to export, it...
一个类似VB代码编辑器.通过一个多文档模板导出,很容易实现实现复用,自己开发的,用在脚本编辑器中。-A similar VB code editor. Through more than one document template to export, it is easy to realize multiplexing realize their own development, using the script editor.
- 2023-06-03 20:55:03下载
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This is what I do a simple curriculum design is a simple text editor, the use of...
这是我做的一个简单的课程设计 这是一个简单的文本编辑器,利用调用BOSE的6号 9号等功能 实现简单的文本编辑-This is what I do a simple curriculum design is a simple text editor, the use of the bose call on the 6th on the 9th functions simple text editor
- 2022-03-04 15:28:05下载
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HTML文件到txt文件转换器-HTML document to txt document switch
- 2022-07-05 08:49:21下载
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SI1 M-file for SI1.fig
SI1, by itself, creates a new SI1 or raises the existing
J = SI1 returns the handle to a new SI1 or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
SI1( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in SI1.M with the given input arguments.
SI1( Property , Value ,...) creates a new SI1 or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before SI1_OpeningFunction gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to SI1_OpeningFcn via varargin.- SI1 M-file for SI1.fig
SI1, by itself, creates a new SI1 or raises the existing
J = SI1 returns the handle to a new SI1 or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
SI1( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in SI1.M with t
- 2022-11-29 08:50:03下载
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- 2022-02-18 16:14:03下载
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将cpp换成htm,并用c语法着色,易于打印和阅读-will cpp replaced by the Internet, and using c syntax coloring, easy to read and print
- 2022-06-16 18:19:31下载
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uml编辑器很牛-uml editor is cattle
- 2022-11-17 21:05:03下载
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C source code using C language of a C language subset of the procedures explaine...
Little C解释程序源代码用C语言实现了一个C语言的子集的解释程序,之所以是子集,是由于考虑到本次毕业设计的时间上并不允许将整个C语言的解释程序完成,事实上,若要将整个C语言的解释程序完成,那将不是凭一己之力加上数月可以完成的。为此,结合所学的编译原理和实现技术以及计算理论,本文之实现了C语言自己的解释程序。-C source code using C language of a C language subset of the procedures explained that the reason is the subset is due to the graduation of design time and would not allow the entire C language to explain procedures are completed, in fact, if the entire C language to explain procedures completed, it will not be through their own efforts with a few months to complete. To this end, learning by combining theory and compiler technology and computing theory, the realization of the C language interpreter.
- 2022-09-24 19:45:03下载
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功率MOSFET知识介绍.pdf-Power MOSFET introduce knowledge. Pdf power MOSFET introduce knowledge. Pdf
- 2022-06-14 01:58:23下载
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