首页 » 文件格式 » 下面的函数LoadBmpFile,其功能是从一个.bmp文件中读取数据(包括BITMAPINFOHEADER,调色板和实际图象数据),将其存储在一个全局内存句柄...


于 2023-07-21 发布 文件大小:7.32 kB
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下面的函数LoadBmpFile,其功能是从一个.bmp文件中读取数据(包括BITMAPINFOHEADER,调色板和实际图象数据),将其存储在一个全局内存句柄hImgData中,这个hImgData将在以后的图象处理程序中用到。同时填写一个类型为HBITMAP的全局变量hBitmap和一个类型为HPALETTE的全局变量hPalette。这两个变量将在处理WM_PAINT消息时用到,用来显示位图。该函数的两个参数分别是用来显示位图的窗口句柄,和.bmp文件名(全路径)。当函数成功时,返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。-The following function LoadBmpFile, its function is from a. Bmp file to read data (including the BITMAPINFOHEADER, palette and the actual image data), its stored in a global memory handle hImgData, this hImgData will in the future plans used as treatment procedures. At the same time, fill out a type of global variable HBITMAP HBITMAP HPALETTE and a type of global variable hPalette. These two variables will be used for treatment WM_PAINT message, used to display bitmaps. The function of two parameters are used to display the bitmap handle of the window, and. Bmp file name (full path). When the function is successful, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE.



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