windows外壳扩展编程入门实例 关于Windows 外壳扩展方面的文章私心以为最好的应当算是Michael Dunn 的The Complete I...
windows外壳扩展编程入门实例 关于Windows 外壳扩展方面的文章私心以为最好的应当算是Michael Dunn 的The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Shell Extensions 我也曾想过所谓眼前有景道不 得崔颢题诗在上头既然已经有了这么好的文章我还来饶舌算什么不过转念再想文章 虽好毕竟是为Visual C++的用户看的对Delphi 的使用者来说似乎有点不公平我最初编 写Shell Extension 的时候用的也是Visual C++ 不过现在已经转而使用Delphi 觉得两者 毕竟还是有所不同因此就有了这篇文章算是将我的一些心得体会和大家分享 我最初的打算是将Michael Dunn 文章中涉及的全部内容全部转成Delphi 程序再加上我-windows Windows Michael Dunn The Complete Idiots Guide to Writing Shell Extensions What kind of tongue but want to switch majors article was, after all, is good for Visual C users the right to see the Delphi users seem to me a little unfair to the initial preparation of Shell Extension of the Visual C but also now turn to the use of Delphi or think they have, after all, we will have a different result this article I will be some experiences to share with you my initial intention was to Michael Dunn article, the full content of all to the proceedings with Delphi as I