首页 » Windows开发 » 试验内容: 跳水比赛中运动员每完成一个跳水动作,都有J名裁判员为其打分,但每次总成绩中都要去掉一个最高分和一个最低分。每个运动员需要完成C个动作,每次动作结束都...

试验内容: 跳水比赛中运动员每完成一个跳水动作,都有J名裁判员为其打分,但每次总成绩中都要去掉一个最高分和一个最低分。每个运动员需要完成C个动作,每次动作结束都...

于 2023-07-04 发布 文件大小:8.41 kB
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试验内容: 跳水比赛中运动员每完成一个跳水动作,都有J名裁判员为其打分,但每次总成绩中都要去掉一个最高分和一个最低分。每个运动员需要完成C个动作,每次动作结束都要按当前总成绩为全部运动员重新排序,结果在运动员出场比赛时显示出来。设总共有N个运动员参加比赛,其编号为1,2,… N。 编一个程序实现这一功能。 要求: 1、 建立一个*head为头结点的单链表 2、 以动作C为主循环,对每个动作输入每个运动员所有裁判打分。输入每个 运动员的所有打分后,立即对单链表按sum域(累计分)从小到大重新排序 3、 在每个动作之后,输出该单链表的所有结点-Note: Experimentation: When sportsman who taking part in diving game had finished each movement,there were J referees marking for sportsman,and each time the highest and lowest marks always were taken out. Each sportsman must finish C movements,no sooner did actions had be performed than current sum grades should be sorted and the final results should be displayed before athlete comes out. Supposing there are N athletes attending the game,the NO is 1,2,...N.Write an program to implement this fuction. Requires: 1 Create a single chain naming the name of headnode*head. 2 The movement C is main loop,Each sportsman s grades marked by all judges should be put in the each movement.After finished this,the



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