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菜单演示程序注意要在Large 模式下编译-Menu Demo dgfd sgj d sfk lj fj d kjf d jf ds al k fj f f fsjjkl jdlsjl jfj f fjf f f f lsl d sfd ff er
- 2022-04-14 17:19:16下载
- 积分:1
first part of the init () method to load the game all the necessary resources, i...
? 部分内容
首先我们在init()方法中加载所有游戏必要的资源,包括声音,鼠标事件的监听、背景等相关设置。利用addBomb()方法增加bomb的数量、初始位置及初始化颜色。再利用start()启动线程。线程调用run()方法,处理炸弹下降运动down()。Repaint()会在每一个单位时间调用paint()方法不断的刷新屏幕,paint()调用Bomb.addBomb()绘制炸弹。当游戏者按下鼠标,mousePress()事件激活,判断是否点中了炸弹。如果点中addScore()自动加1分。如果没有点中炸弹,炸弹继续下降,当撞到屏幕wasHitEarth()方法激活,其内调用death()方法,减少Denfenser.life生命点,同时audio.play()处理声音的播放,用以提示游戏者。当你的生命点数小于0时”Game Over”。-first part of the init () method to load the game all the necessary resources, including the voices of the mouse wiretapping, and other relevant background set. Use addBomb () method to increase the number of bomb, the initial location and initialization color. Reuse start () activated threads. Call threads run () method to deal with bomb dropped down Movement (). Hamas () in a unit time per call to paint () method is constantly refresh the screen, paint () call Bomb.addBomb () to draw bomb. When pressed mouse game, mousePress () activation of the incident to determine whether the point of the bomb. If the
- 2022-05-20 07:56:26下载
- 积分:1
这是一个简化版本的学生选课系统,比较适合初学者!-This is a simplified version of the student elective system, more suitable for beginners!
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- 积分:1
数据库SQL SEVER编程开发,ADO.NET开发平台的数据度库配置及开发。...
数据库SQL SEVER编程开发,ADO.NET开发平台的数据度库配置及开发。-SQL SEVER
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- 积分:1
完成对二进制的编码 输出二进制代码在屏幕上
完成对二进制的编码 输出二进制代码在屏幕上
-huffman coding binary output of complete binary code on the screen
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“气球式”工具提示: 本程序介绍一个与CToolTipCtrl相似的类CTooolTipWnd,用于实现“气球式”工具提示...
“气球式”工具提示: 本程序介绍一个与CToolTipCtrl相似的类CTooolTipWnd,用于实现“气球式”工具提示 -Tooltips like balloon
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- 积分:1
一个图书销售系统,代码精练,很好用-a book sales system, code eloquently good use!
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A client passes the parameter to server, server creates a query and passes it to...
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