首页 » Windows开发 » 可以动态得到任何一点的坐标`


于 2023-06-18 发布 文件大小:52.15 kB
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可以动态得到任何一点的坐标`-dynamic can be the coordinates of any point



0 个回复

  • 这是一个BOT项目的源代码,称为rxbot69dfix。
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  • 这个代码功能是格式化需要输入内容的文本框,同时对输入的数据进行检查和验证。每当按键产生变化,如回车,粘贴等动作时,文本框会自动检查和修改。 另外代码具有自动...
    这个代码功能是格式化需要输入内容的文本框,同时对输入的数据进行检查和验证。每当按键产生变化,如回车,粘贴等动作时,文本框会自动检查和修改。 另外代码具有自动文本全选、改变文本框颜色、默认背景/前景色、保存当前输入内容以被撤消时恢复用。支持各种类型的字符和数字格式化,支持按键检测,如按 ESC撤消,按回车和向下箭头键调到下一个文本框,类似TAB键,支持回车声音事件、聚焦和失焦颜色编号等。-This code function is to format the text box to enter the content, while the input data checking and validation. Whenever the button a difference, such as Enter, paste and other movements, the text box will automatically check and modify. Another source with automatic text Select All and change the text box color, the default background/foreground color, save the current input in order to resume use was withdrawn. Support various types of characters and numbers, formatting, support for key detection, such as press ESC Undo, press enter and down arrow keys transferred to the next text box, similar to the TAB key, enter the sound to support the event, focus and lose focus color number.
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  • The code is used to output a number of random numbers and design. First of all,...
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