首页 » 加密解密 » 代码做了什么?有时我们可能希望隐藏我们的文件内容从其他…


于 2023-06-18 发布 文件大小:9.46 kB
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What Does the code DO? Sometimes we may desire to hide our file contents from others.One of the possible way is encrypting these files.Here a simple encryption technique is used(In VB - The same technique can be implemented in "c" also.) Program flow Explained * Open the File to be encrypted for Binary Access Read(Say Source File) * Open a temparory file where encrypted data is stored for Binary Access Write(Say Destination File) * Loop through the Source File Byte by Byte * For each byte read from the file, Complement the data. (Using Not operator (in C we have to use "~" operator) * Write Complemented Data to Destination File * Delete the Source File * Rename Destination file as Source File(Now Encryption is over) -What Does the code DO? Sometimes we may desire to hide our file contents from others.One of the possible way is encrypting these files.Here a simple encryption technique is used (In VB- The same technique can be implemented in



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