mysqlbug script automatically determines many of the following information to he...
mysqlbug 脚本通过自动确定下列很多信息来帮助你生成一份报告,但是如果一些重要的东西不见了,请在你的消息中包含它!请仔细阅读本节并且保证这里描述的所有信息包含在你的报告中。 要记住,有可能回复一条包含太多的信息消息,但不回复包含极少信息的消息,因为人们认为他们知道一个问题的原因并且假设某些细节无所谓,所以他们常常忽略事实。一个好的原则是:如果你怀疑所说的事情,继续说!在你的报告中写上几行,比因为第一次没有包含足够的信息而被迫追问和等待答案要快上千倍,而且少些麻烦。-mysqlbug script automatically determines many of the following information to help you generate a report, but if some important things are missing, please your information it contains! Please read this section and assure described here contain all the information in your report. We have to remember that there may be a response contains too much information and news, but does not contain very little information back to the news because people think they know one of the reasons for some of the details and assume that does not matter, so they often ignore the facts. A good principle is : If you suspect the things to say! In your report, write a few lines, because the first did not contain sufficient information to answer questions and to wait until 1000 t