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P2P穿越防火墙 代码 ,作为P2P开发中的配套代码.

于 2023-06-16 发布 文件大小:282.96 kB
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P2P穿越防火墙 代码 ,作为P2P开发中的配套代码.-P2P Firewall traversal code, P2P development as the matching code. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



0 个回复

  • DH算法的相关资料是一种不对称加密算法,希望对相关者有所帮助...
    DH算法的相关资料是一种不对称加密算法,希望对相关者有所帮助-DH relevant information on the algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm, and I hope to help stakeholders
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  • 这是XMODEM传输协议原代码,测试只能证明错误的存在,而不能表明程序中没有错误。 测试的两个作用是:确定程序中缺陷的存在;有助于判断该程序在实际上是否可用...
    这是XMODEM传输协议原代码,测试只能证明错误的存在,而不能表明程序中没有错误。 测试的两个作用是:确定程序中缺陷的存在;有助于判断该程序在实际上是否可用。 软件测试最困难的问题之一是知道何时停止测试(When to stop testing? ) 自己测试自己的程序是不可能的。 当一个软件被测出的缺陷数目增加时,更多的未被发现的缺陷存在的概率也随之增加。 -This XMODEM transfer protocol source code, the test can only be proved wrong there and not show anything wrong procedure. The two test role is : procedures for determining the existence of defects; Contribute to the judge whether the procedure can be used in practice. Software testing the most difficult one of the problems is to know when to stop testing (When to stop testing) testing their own procedures is not possible. When a software detected the increase in the number of defects, more undiscovered flaws in the probability has increased.
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  • 贡献者给予免费的,不可撤销的许可,IEEE将马…
    The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16.-The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standard
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  • Through the MP (on behalf of one of P I) of high 4 to control, AA `BB`
    通过MP(代表其中一个P口)的高4位来控制,AA`BB`-4,5,6,7脚。12细分,没行数组里面分4对,每对数第一个加到P口控制电流方向,第二个数控制通电时间。正转AA`-BB`-A`A-B`B,数组由1到12行的读取,反转B`B-A`A-BB`-AA`,数组由12到1行的读取。参数POWER表示电机启动还是不启动,DIRECT参数表示方向,SPEED表示速度等级,每项通电时间用数组中的植/SPEED。本程序没考虑要走多少步的情况,调用一次就走一步。-Through the MP (on behalf of one of P I) of high 4 to control, AA `BB`-4,5,6,7 feet. 12 segments, no line inside the sub-array of four pairs, each of the P added to the number of the first current direction of population control, the second time the number of control power. Are transferred AA `-BB`-A `AB` B, the array from 1-12 line read, reverse B `BA` A-BB `-AA`, array 12-1 by the line read. POWER express motor parameters activated or not activated, DIRECT express direction parameter, SPEED express speed grades, each time power array sik/SPEED. This procedure did not consider how to go step-by-step situation, call a step away.
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