Multithreading is a powerful tool, we can each time the need to implement the ma...
多线程是一个功能强大的工具,我们可以在每次需要执行长时间运行的任务时使用该工具。我们可以用它运行辅助代码,而无需绑定用户界面。但同时要注意,多线程操作非常复杂,要正确操作并不容易,而且调试起来也比较困难。 尽管不一定能够实现,但我们还是应该尽量为每个辅助线程提供一组它可以操作的独立数据。要达到这个目的,最简单的方法就是为每个线程创建一个对象,对象中包含该线程可以操作的数据以及完成工作所需的代码。 通过实现结构化的架构,使之充当辅助线程和 UI 线程之间的媒介,我们可以大大简化编写多线程代码和 UI 以对其进行控制的过程。本文就介绍了这样一个架构,您可以根据需要使用或进行调整,以满足特定的应用需要。(附有详细的中文说明)-Multithreading is a powerful tool, we can each time the need to implement the mandate of running the use of this tool. We can use it for running auxiliary code, without the bundled user interface. It should be noted that multi-threaded operation is very complex to operate correctly is not easy, but it is also testing more difficult. Although not necessarily to achieve, but we should still try to provide every support threaded a group it can operate independent of data. To achieve this purpose, the simplest way is to create a thread for each object, object contains the thread can operate and the data necessary to complete the work of the code. Through the structure of the archit