首页 » Game Program » 很好的手机游戏源代码,欢迎大家下载和使用…


于 2023-06-03 发布 文件大小:232.65 kB
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非常好的手机游戏源代码,欢迎大家下载学习和使用,非常好的手机游戏源代码,欢迎大家下载学习和使用-very good cell phone game source code and you are welcome to download and use of learning, very good cell phone game source code and you are welcome to download and use of learning



0 个回复

  • 网狐会员卡生成器,绝对好用等下把数据库配套的也传上希望多给点分。 英文介绍是数据库部分代码...
    网狐会员卡生成器,绝对好用等下把数据库配套的也传上希望多给点分。 英文介绍是数据库部分代码-USE [CxGameTreasuredb] GO IF EXISTS (SELECT* FROM DBO.SYSOBJECTS WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID(N [dbo].[stock_data] ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(ID, N IsProcedure ) = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[stock_data] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[stock_data] @cardcode [bigint], @cardpass [nvarchar](50), @userid [int] WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @Price [int] DECLARE @IsCrad[bit] IF EXISTS (SELECT UserID FROM QPTreasureDB.dbo.GameScoreLocker WHERE UserID=@UserID) BEGIN SELECT [ErrorDescribe]= 错误信息:您目前在银子游戏房间,不能进行银行操作! RETURN END
    2022-07-15 23:56:59下载
  • 这是一个小游戏编程源代码,相互学习下哦,应该不错
    这是一个小游戏编程源代码,相互学习下哦,应该不错-This is a game programming source code, learn from each other the next Oh, it should be good
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  • Game Programming Guide This is a very good game to guide the development of tea...
    《游戏编程指南》这是一本很好的游戏开发指导教材,并且附有源代码- Game Programming Guide This is a very good game to guide the development of teaching materials, and with source code
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  • 国外游戏开发者杂志2002年第八期配套代码,包含了Jon Blow的打包和开包的算法代码...
    国外游戏开发者杂志2002年第八期配套代码,包含了Jon Blow的打包和开包的算法代码--Code of game development magazine in 2002 eighth issue, including algorithm code of Jon Blow`s packing and opening packet
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  • 这是一个关于二十四点游戏的编程思路与基本算法。大家有空来看看。...
    这是一个关于二十四点游戏的编程思路与基本算法。大家有空来看看。-This a 24-point game on the ideas and basic programming algorithm. We look at the time.
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  • JS achieve a similar " special training" easy test of reaction speed of...
    JS实现的类似“特训”的简单考验反应速度的小游戏。-JS achieve a similar " special training" easy test of reaction speed of the game.
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  • Ms. Trone LINUX V0.1 imitation KTron arcade games. In fact, the game was the mot...
    Trone V0.1 仿LINUX下街机游戏KTron。 其实写本游戏的动机就是我一个朋友特别喜欢linux下的KTron这个游戏, 但在WINDOWS下又没找到,而我朋友又不太熟悉LINUX操作,所以我就花了点时间写了Trone, Trone这个名字也是源于KTron。 注意:此游戏需要EGAVGA.BGI文件才能运行,该文件在turboc2目录下可找到。 [游戏简介] 这是一个双人玩的策略游戏,游戏有两个点, 第一个游戏者可以按R,G,F,D控制第一个点的走向, 第两个游戏都可以按四个光标键控制第二个点的走向, 谁先碰到边界或已走的路线便输,祝大家玩得开心!!! 有任何问题或建议请与我联系。-Ms. Trone LINUX V0.1 imitation KTron arcade games. In fact, the game was the motive is a friend I particularly like the linux KTron this game and But under the formula found in Windows, and my friends and I did not familiar with the Linux operating, So I spent a little bit of time to write Ms. Trone, Ms. Trone also originated from the name KTron. Note : This document EGAVGA.BGI game needs to run, The document turboc2 directory can be found. [On the game] is playing a double game strategy, a two point game, a game could by the R, G, F, D. control section to a point, the first two games are four cursor keys on the second control point the direction, Who has encoun
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    仿LINUX下街机游戏KTron-imitation LINUX arcade games KTron
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