操作注意事项 (1)本系统管理员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:login.asp。 (3)本系统有两种操作用户:其...
操作注意事项 (1)本系统管理员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:login.asp。 (3)本系统有两种操作用户:其中管理员为超级用户,具有所有权限;普通用户没有添加操作员及删除操作员的权限。 (4)在运行本系统中的“年销售额分析”模块时,需要安装Visual Basic 6.0软件。 (5)在配置IIS服务器时,需要将本程序所在路径设置为网站的根目录。 -Handling Precautions (1) The system administrator user name: tsoft, password: 111. (2) examples of implementation of the file location: login.asp. (3) The system has two kinds of operation of the user: one administrator for the super user has all the authority ordinary users do not have to add operators and delete operator privileges. (4) the system is running in the " sales analysis" module, you need to install Visual Basic 6.0 software. (5) Configure IIS server, you need to set up this program where the path to the root directory for the Web site.