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1. To install XP original, the other version I have not tried to test the intere...

于 2023-06-02 发布 文件大小:3.45 kB
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1。必需安装XP原版,其它版我没试过,有兴趣你们试一试。 2。双击解压出来的文件XP文件 3。点击开始栏→选运行→输入regedit 4。找出Hkey_Local_MachineSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWPAEvents 5。右击注册表中“WPAEvents”键→“权限”→选择列表中的“system”下方出现拒绝那一栏下面有两个小方格,请勾上。 6。确定,退出。 7。恭喜你,你XP已经是正版了,你不信?请点击激活。或运行oobe/msoobe /a试试。 8。你可以无限升级,升级SP1~SPN都行了,哈哈~!-1. To install XP original, the other version I have not tried to test the interest you. 2. Double-click the file decompression XP paper 3. Click on the column began running election importation regedit 4. Identify Hkey_Local_Machine Software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion WPAEvents 5. Right click on the registry "WPAEvents" key "competence" choice list of "system" beneath which there refused column below two small box, on the hook. 6. To exit. 7. Congratulations, you have XP is genuine, and you do not believe in? Click on the activation. Or run scans/Explorer/a try. 8. You can be infinitely upgraded to SP1 SPN are OK, ha ha ~!



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