首页 » OpenGL图像 » 这是利用OpenGL设计游戏书中的代码,非常经典,有喜欢OpenGL 的朋友大家一起分享。...

这是利用OpenGL设计游戏书中的代码,非常经典,有喜欢OpenGL 的朋友大家一起分享。...

于 2023-06-01 发布 文件大小:421.97 kB
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这是利用OpenGL设计游戏书中的代码,非常经典,有喜欢OpenGL 的朋友大家一起分享。-This is designed to use OpenGL game code book, very classic, like OpenGL friends have shared with everyone.



0 个回复

  • vc环境下开发的opengl performer应用程序,脱离performer环境运行时,所需要的系统文件。只要将这些文件复制到自己performer 执行程...
    vc环境下开发的opengl performer应用程序,脱离performer环境运行时,所需要的系统文件。只要将这些文件复制到自己performer 执行程序目录下即可。注意:这些文件一定要同你所用performer的版本一致。这里是3.2.1版-vc environment developed opengl performer applications, run-time environment from the performer, the required system files. Simply copy these files to their own enforcement procedures performer directory can be. Note: These documents must be used with your version of consistent performer. Here is version 3.2.1
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  • 简单的程序有助于测试OpenGL实现采集。许多…
    Collection of simple programs helpful for testing an OpenGL implementation. Many have keyboard options (see source for details). and More samples collected from a variety of places-Collection of simple programs helpful for testing an OpenGL implementation. Many have ke yboard options (see source for details). and Mo "re samples collected from a variety of places
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  • Delphi环境下基于OpenGL实现粒子系统,有喷泉、星空、瀑布等自然景观。...
    Delphi环境下基于OpenGL实现粒子系统,有喷泉、星空、瀑布等自然景观。-Delphi environment to achieve particle system based on OpenGL, a fountain, Star, waterfalls and other natural landscape.
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  • cg.dll.cggl.dll.opengl开发必须的两个动态连接库!很好很
    cg.dll.cggl.dll.opengl开发必须的两个动态连接库!很好很-development must cg.dll.cggl.dll.opengl two Dynamic Link Library! Very good
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  • 这是一个简单且实用的调用3ds模型的程序。有些用3dsLoader不能读入的模型,该程序可以解决:)...
    这是一个简单且实用的调用3ds模型的程序。有些用3dsLoader不能读入的模型,该程序可以解决:)-This is a simple and practical model called 3ds procedures. Some use 3dsLoader not read into the model, the program can be solved :)
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  • On the octree for collision c++ Examples in great detail on the application of o...
    关于八叉树用于碰撞的c++例子,很详细,对八叉树的应用作了很好的解释-On the octree for collision c++ Examples in great detail on the application of octree made a good explanation
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  • 实现了光照控制,纹理映射,透明物体,弹簧制作、三维旋转等诸多功能。...
    实现了光照控制,纹理映射,透明物体,弹簧制作、三维旋转等诸多功能。-achieve illumination control, texture mapping, transparent objects, spring production, 3D rotation and many other functions.
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  • 使用准备3天到几个文件的读取和处理简单福是OpenGL…
    用opengl编写的可以对几种3d文件进行读取以及简单的处理功能,已经调试!-use opengl be prepared 3 days to several documents read and simple processing functions, Debugging already!
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  • OpenGL类,旨在减少OpenGL编程的初始化工作,以及加入一些常用功能。...
    OpenGL类,旨在减少OpenGL编程的初始化工作,以及加入一些常用功能。-OpenGL category, aimed at reducing the initialization of OpenGL programming, as well as some commonly used functions.
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  • "Both Super OpenGL (2nd Edition)" in the book, usually one each devote...
    《OpenGL超级宝典(第二版)》 在本书中,通常每章介绍一个方面的编程主题,并在同一章中给出与此编程主题相关的大量函数及函数说明。另外,许多函数还提供了实用的示例,使读者可以直接在自己的程序中借鉴参考。 本书内容丰富而全面、结构清晰、层次分明,适用于使用OpenGL编程的各个层次的程序员。 本书是有关OpenGL的参考书,它的内容完整而全面,专为使用OpenGL的新版本进行编程的Windows程序员而写。本书适用于希望掌握OpenGL并提高其图形编程的程序员,既可以作为参考书,也可以作为学习教程。-"Both Super OpenGL (2nd Edition)" in the book, usually one each devoted to the theme programming, and in the same chapter, and this program is relevant to the subject of a large number of functions and function note. In addition, many functions also provide practical examples, so readers can directly in their own procedures builds. The book is rich in content and comprehensive, clear, structured and applicable to the use of OpenGL programming at all levels of programmers. The book is a reference book on OpenGL, and its content is complete and comprehensive and is designed for use OpenGL Programming for the new version of Windows programmers writing. The book apply to the master and improve OpenGL graphics programmin
    2023-06-25 12:10:06下载
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