首页 » 汇编语言 » 此系统是本人做毕业设计时候的老东西了,是汇编写的。可以在PROTEUS上仿真,实际效果和仿真效果一模一样,电梯的功能相信大家都很了解,我就不在这多讲了。但要说明...


于 2023-05-30 发布 文件大小:363.66 kB
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此系统是本人做毕业设计时候的老东西了,是汇编写的。可以在PROTEUS上仿真,实际效果和仿真效果一模一样,电梯的功能相信大家都很了解,我就不在这多讲了。但要说明的一点是:我这个系统是仿真用的,有些东西不能和现实中的电梯相比,里面可能有某些方面考虑的不是很周到,希望有心的朋友提点意见,谢谢我的E-MAIL:qq317999920@163.com-This system is designed when I graduated to do the old things is a compilation of writing. Be able to PROTEUS on the simulation, the actual results and simulation of the effect of exactly the same as the functions of elevator think we all understand that I am not in this more than a speech. But the point is to explain: I used this system is the simulation of, some things can not be compared to the reality of the elevator, which may have to consider certain aspects of the not very thoughtful, I hope interested提点意见Friend, thank you my E-MAIL: qq317999920@163.com



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