首页 » 电子书 » 种基于图像质量因子的图像融合客观评价方法。该方法利用熵加权和均方根图像融合质量因子对融合图像与源图像间的相关性、 亮度失真和对比度失真进行综合评价,因而在不同融...

种基于图像质量因子的图像融合客观评价方法。该方法利用熵加权和均方根图像融合质量因子对融合图像与源图像间的相关性、 亮度失真和对比度失真进行综合评价,因而在不同融...

于 2023-05-18 发布 文件大小:712.63 kB
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种基于图像质量因子的图像融合客观评价方法。该方法利用熵加权和均方根图像融合质量因子对融合图像与源图像间的相关性、 亮度失真和对比度失真进行综合评价,因而在不同融合方法和不同源图像的条件下,可获得标准的评估统计量。采用加权平均、 拉普拉斯塔形分解及基于小波变换的图像融合法为例,通过对多传感器图像进行融合评价实验,证明了该方法的有效性和鲁棒性。-Factor based on image quality of the image fusion method of objective evaluation. This method is the use of entropy and the weighted root-mean-square image fusion quality factor of the fused image and the source of the correlation between image brightness and contrast distortion of a comprehensive evaluation of distortion, which fusion in different ways and different sources of image conditions, the availability of standards assessment statistics. Using the weighted average, Laplacian pyramid and wavelet transform-based image fusion method as an example of multi-sensor image fusion evaluation experiments show that the method is effective and robust.



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