微粒群算法与其它进化类算法相类似,也采用“群体”与“进化”的概念,同样也是依据个体(微粒)的适应值大小进行操作。所不同的是,微粒群算法不像其它进化算法那样对于个体使用进化算子,而是将每个个体看作是在n维搜索空间中的一个没有重量和体积的微粒,并在搜索空间中以一定的速度飞行。-Particle swarm optimization algorithm with other similar type of evolution, but also the use of " groups" and " evolution" concept is also based on the individual (particle) size of the operation of fitness. The difference is that unlike other particle swarm optimization evolutionary algorithm as the use of evolution for the individual operator, but as each individual in the n-dimensional search space of a weight and size of the particles, and in the search space the speed of a certain flight.