Asp.net大型B2B网站程序源码 具有供求信息、行业资讯、产品展示、会员注册、会员自助建站等模块 企业注册后可以建立商铺发布产品信息、公司信息及在线交易等 会员分为免费会员和收费会员,其中系统还集成了广告管理系统 DB_51aspx文件夹下为数据库文件,附加即可 管理员后台admin/Admin_Index.htm large B2B website with program source of supply and demand information, industry information, product demonstrations, membership registration, members of self-help modules建站enterprises can be established after the registration issued shops product information, corporate information and online transactions such as membership is divided into a free membership and membership fees, which system also integrates the ad management system DB_51aspx folder for database files, additional background to the administrator admin/Admin_Index.htm