首页 » WEB(ASP,PHP,...) » 互联网购物的前端显示和销售的商品,背景是有限的。


于 2023-04-26 发布 文件大小:1.81 MB
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网络购物中心由前台商品展示及销售、后台管理两部分组成。  前台商品展示及销售 该部分主要包括新品上市、特价商品、销售排行、购物车、会员管理、商品公告及订单查询、商品查询等。  后台管理 该部分主要对购物中心内的一些基础数据进行有效管理,包括商品管理、会员管理、订单管理、公告管理等。 -Internet shopping from the front display and sale of goods, the background is composed of two parts management.  front of the merchandise display and sales, including some of the major new products, special offers, sales ranking, shopping cart, member management, notices and orders for goods, information, inquiries and other commodities.  background on the management of the some of the major shopping center on some of the basic data for effective management, including commodity management, membership management, order management, bulletin management.



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