首页 » EditBox » EDIT控件设置只读属性后就不允许用户进行输入和编辑删除等基本操作了,控件只可以用来信息的浏览,但是,如果使用默认的设置函数的话,EDIT控件的背景色将变成灰色...


于 2023-04-26 发布 文件大小:32.56 kB
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EDIT控件设置只读属性后就不允许用户进行输入和编辑删除等基本操作了,控件只可以用来信息的浏览,但是,如果使用默认的设置函数的话,EDIT控件的背景色将变成灰色,如果你的主题程序的颜色背景进行一致的处理的话,这样可能会与你的整体风格不和,所以需要一个具有背景颜色但是又具有只读属性的EDIT控件刻不容缓了. 实现的方法其实很简单,派生一个CEDIT类,我们这里命名为CColReadOnlyEdit,再这个类中我们首先触发PreTranslateMessage,这个函数可以用来截获消息编程。-EDIT controls installed after the read-only attribute does not allow users to input and edit delete basic operation of the control information can be used only browser, but if the use of the default settings, it is highly EDIT control the background color to gray, but if your theme procedure for a background color made a deal with the case, it may be with your overall style and not, so it is necessary to have a background color but also with the read-only attribute the delay EDIT Controls. realizing the fact is very simple, derived a CEDIT category, we named CColReadOnlyEdit here, and the first category trigger PreTranslateMessage, this function can be used to intercepted news programming.



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