首页 » Windows开发 » 推箱子,又称搬运工,是一个十分流行的单人智力游戏。玩家的任务是在一个仓库中操纵一个搬运工人,将N个相同的箱子推到N个相同的目的地。推箱子游戏出现在计算机中最早起...


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推箱子,又称搬运工,是一个十分流行的单人智力游戏。玩家的任务是在一个仓库中操纵一个搬运工人,将N个相同的箱子推到N个相同的目的地。推箱子游戏出现在计算机中最早起源于1994年台湾省李果兆开发的仓库世家,又名仓库番,箱子只可以推, 不可以拉, 而且一次只能推动一个。它的规则如此简单,但是魅力却是无穷的。但是人毕竟思考的深度和速度有限,我们是否可以利用计算机帮助我们求解呢?-magazines, also known as porters, is one of the most popular single intellectual games. The task of players in a warehouse controlled a stevedore who will be the same as the N box pushed to the same N as a destination. PSP games on the computer which originated in 1994, the Taiwan Provincial Fruit Katherine Lee development of the warehouse family, also known as Fan warehouse, the boxes can only push, not pull, but one can only promote one. Its rules so simple, but the charm is boundless. But, after all, thought the depth and speed are limited, we can use computers to help us solve?



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