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and how to avoid

于 2023-04-04 发布 文件大小:2.75 MB
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本书深入讲解了有关Java的数值计算,并介绍了常见的Java数值方法及计算特性。全书分为4个部分,共16章,首先对Java的数据表示、数据类型及相关标准进行了详细的介绍。然后,作者分析了数值求根、数值求和、插值、估计、数值积分、求解微分方程等常见的数值计算;讨论了矩阵运算软件包,并讲解了各种矩阵运算的方法。最后,本书给出了一些有趣的数学计算实例。全书内容新颖,举例丰富,而且应用了大量生动的交互式图形程序。 本书适合于有兴趣学习Java数值方法的程序设计者,同时对于从事数值计算及相关工作的人员也具有很好的参考价值。-In Java Number Cruncher, author Ronald Mak explains how to spot-and how to avoid-the subtle programming miscues that can cause vexing calculation errors in your applications. An authority on mapping pure math to computer math, he explains how to use the often-overlooked computational features of Java, and does so in a clear, non-theoretical style. Without getting lost in mathematical detail, you ll learn practical numerical algorithms for safely summing numbers, finding roots of equations, interpolation and approximation, numerical integration, solving differential equations, matrix operations, and solving sets of simultaneous equations. You ll also enjoy intriguing topics such as searching for patterns in prime numbers, ge



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