首页 » SCM » 遥控数字钟应用程序,应用于多种数字钟接口,可以遥控设备,省力。自制LED电子钟在很多电子报刊杂志上都可以见到,但大多数在断电后都要重新设置时间等 参数,给使用带...

遥控数字钟应用程序,应用于多种数字钟接口,可以遥控设备,省力。自制LED电子钟在很多电子报刊杂志上都可以见到,但大多数在断电后都要重新设置时间等 参数,给使用带...

于 2023-04-03 发布 文件大小:3.35 kB
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遥控数字钟应用程序,应用于多种数字钟接口,可以遥控设备,省力。自制LED电子钟在很多电子报刊杂志上都可以见到,但大多数在断电后都要重新设置时间等 参数,给使用带来很多不便。也有用后备电池作为备用电源的,但往往体积较大。本文介绍 的LED电子钟克服了以往的弊端,而且采用了家电通用的红外遥控器进行控制,方便使用。 有一路闹铃输出,可以通过遥控器设置闹铃时间及允许与否。-digital clock remote control applications, digital clock used in a variety of interface, remote-control equipment, effort. Homemade LED electronic bell in many electronic newspapers and magazines can all, but most of the power outages after the re setup time and other parameters to use in many ways. Also useful as a standby battery backup power, but often larger. This paper introduces the LED electronic clock to overcome the shortcomings of the past, and the use of common household appliances infrared remote control, and ease of use. A way Alarms output, the remote control can set the alarm time and allow it or not.



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