本书内容广博权威,结构清晰合理,是一本全新的有关数据结构与算法的教材,对于计算机科学与工程领域的从业人员也是一本很好的参考书。 纵览全书可以看出作者具有丰富的教材编写经验。它是一本新的、有关数据库结构与算法的教材,适合于当前计算机本科教学的需要.这里提供了书中的部分 源代码
- 2022-04-12 11:51:39下载
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labview 编写的 TCP写数据 学习ING
labview 编写的 TCP写数据 学习ING-labview write data TCP prepared to learn ING
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一个售楼系统,v2.0版-a sales system, v2.0 Edition
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Graphics gems, vol.1
Graphics gems, vol.1
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share memery client,write and read share memery
share memery client,write and read share memery
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这是一个老鼠走迷宫的游戏,写的还不错唷!-This is a rat Maze of the game, also wrote a public good!
- 2022-07-09 21:27:14下载
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这是动画设计软件的一个很常用的插件,希望喜欢动画设计的朋友有点帮助啦。-This is animation software is a common plug-in the hope that like animation friends somewhat helpful, of course.
- 2023-05-11 10:10:03下载
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简单的扫雷游戏 本文从分析Windows扫雷游戏的功能特点开始,应用面向对象的可视化编程语言Visual C++给出了个功能模块的具体实现方法,并提供了编写小游戏程序的一般方法和Visual C++的一些使用技巧。 -simple game of mine is mine from the analysis of Windows features games, the application of object-oriented visual programming language Visual C is a functional module to the specific method, and provides procedures for the preparation of small game and the general method of Visual C skills to use.
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-Subclass dialog design, split the source window, interface development is a good resource.
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yong avr kong zhi nrf905 de jie shou cheng xu
用avr控制nrf905的接收程序,自动接收单片机的发送数据。-yong avr kong zhi nrf905 de jie shou cheng xu
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