一种基于二维链表的稀疏矩阵模半板类设计 A template Class of sparse matrix. Key technology: bin,2...
一种基于二维链表的稀疏矩阵模半板类设计 A template Class of sparse matrix. Key technology: bin,2-m linked matrix. constructors: 1.normal constuctor 2.copy constuctor. 3.assignment constructor. Basic operator: 1. addition(sub) of two matrix 2. inverse of a matrix. 3. multiply of two matrix. etc.-based on two-dimensional chain of sparse matrix model semi-plate design of Class A"s template parse matrix. Key technology : bin. 2-m linked matrix. constructors : 1.normal constuctor 2.copy constuctor. 3.ass ignment constructor. Basic operator : 1. addition (sub) 2 matrix of two. inverse of a ma trix. 3. multiply of two matrix. etc