[大话西游后传(爆笑版) / 未知 著 ] 第一回 (天门外,残阳如血,彩霞满天) 天兵甲:喂!你看,那个人又坐在那里发呆了。连续几天都这样,延误我...
[大话西游后传(爆笑版) / 未知 著 ] 第一回 (天门外,残阳如血,彩霞满天) 天兵甲:喂!你看,那个人又坐在那里发呆了。连续几天都这样,延误我们哥俩关门收工的时间嘛? 天兵乙:是啊,整天傻坐在那里自言自语,说什么结发的妻子在天那边,还不停地流泪。看看他那副德性,鬼鬼祟祟丢人现眼,披头散发人模狗样。-[Journey to the West after the mass (Comedy version)/unknown book] the first time (days outside the setting sun such as blood, Caixia sky) days兵甲: Hey! You see, the man sitting there also has been a daze. Have to do several days in a row, call it a day delay in our closing time哥俩do? Tianbing B: yes ah, silly sitting there all day talking to himself, saying that his wife knot hair days at the other side, but also non-stop tears. To see him fit virtue, stealthy现眼lose face, hair-like dog people die.