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中文版的,C++经典之作,不要错过-Chinese version of the C for the classic, not to miss!



0 个回复

  • we can see ah, the master's works. Ah good article, we look at the good of t...
    大家可以看看啊,大师的作品.文章不错啊,大家好好看看,关于PSO 的-we can see ah, the master"s works. Ah good article, we look at the good of the PSO
    2022-07-20 23:51:31下载
  • socket编程详细说明
    2023-03-18 12:15:03下载
  • Delphi COM编程介绍
    软件重用是业界追求的目标,人们一直希望能够像搭积木一样随意“装配”应用程序,组件对象就充当了积木的角色。 所谓组件对象,实际上就是预定义好的、能完成一定功能的服务或接口。问题是,这些组件对象如何与应用程序、 如何与其他组件对象共存并相互通信和交互?这就需要制定?个规范,让这些组件对象按统一的标准方式工作。  COM是个二进制规范,它与源代码无关。这样,即使COM对象由不同的编程语言创建,运行在不同的进程空间和不同的 操作系统平台,这些对象也能相互通信。COM既是规范,也是实现,它以COM库(OLE32.dll和贴OLEAut32.dll)的形式提供了 访问COM对象核心功能的标准接口以及一组API函数,这些API函数用于创建和管理COM对象。COM本质上仍然是客户服务器 模式。客户(通常是应用程序)请求创建COM对象并通过COM对象的接口操纵COM对象。服务器根据客户的请求创建并管理COM 对象。客户和服务器这两种角色并不是绝对的。 
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  • The intent of the software contained on this CD is to provide support for the ma...
    The intent of the software contained on this CD is to provide support for the material covered in the textbook. All programs have been developed and tested using MATLAB Version 5.2. Although the authors believe that all routines should be compatible with earlier versions of MATLAB, this may not be the case. The software is maintained and regularly updated through our Web-site at www.wpi.edu/ece/EM_RF_lab/book. It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of MATLAB. Support of MATLAB is maintained through the MathWorks, Inc. Web-site at www.mathworks.com.-The intent of the software contained on stories "s CD is to provide support for the material cover ed in the textbook. All programs have been devel oped and tested using MATLAB Version 5.2. Altho ugh the authors believe that all routines shoul d be compatible with earlier versions of MATLAB , this may not be the case. The software is maint ained and regularly updated through our Web-sit e at www.wpi.edu/ece/EM_RF_lab/book. It
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