首页 » AI-NN-PR » 真正可以用的匈牙利算法 我校赛的时候用过 很不错 不过写的不够简洁...

真正可以用的匈牙利算法 我校赛的时候用过 很不错 不过写的不够简洁...

于 2023-03-07 发布 文件大小:3.89 kB
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真正可以用的匈牙利算法 我校赛的时候用过 很不错 不过写的不够简洁-Really can use the Hungarian algorithm school tournament when I used is pretty good but not enough to write a concise



0 个回复

  • 此为疾病诊断专家系统,用这种结构建立的知识库可以很方便地实现上面所提到的各种功能。这种结 构的最独特之处就是依靠相同的关键(疾病名或其代码)来实现一种疾病与...
    此为疾病诊断专家系统,用这种结构建立的知识库可以很方便地实现上面所提到的各种功能。这种结 构的最独特之处就是依靠相同的关键(疾病名或其代码)来实现一种疾病与其症候之 间的相互联系。疾病名与症候分别用二叉树进行排序。排序后可由疾病名而查到与该 疾病名有关的所有详细情况,也可由一种症候而查到哪些疾病有这种症候,以及该症 候可能引起各种疾病的概率。-This is the disease diagnosis expert system, using this structure to establish the knowledge base can easily realize the above mentioned features. The structure of the most unique is that relying on the same key (the disease or its code) to achieve a disease and its symptoms between. Name and symptoms of disease were treated with binary tree sort. Sort by the disease after the name of the disease were found with all the details of which can also be a symptom of the diseases that have found such a symptom, as well as the symptoms may lead to the probability of various diseases.
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