首页 » Matlab » 模糊粗糙集的图像阈值分割算法源码


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  • gscale
    GSCALE Scales the intensity of the input image. G = GSCALE(F, full8 ) scales the intensities of F to the full 8-bit intensity range [0, 255]. This is the default if there is only one input argument. G = GSCALE(F, full16 ) scales the intensities of F to the full 16-bit intensity range [0, 65535]. G = GSCALE(F, minmax , LOW, HIGH) scales the intensities of F to the range [LOW, HIGH]. These values must be provided, and they must be in the range [0, 1], independently of the class of the input. GSCALE performs any necessary scaling. If the input is of class double, and its values are not in the range [0, 1], then GSCALE scales it to this range before processing. The class of the output is the same as the class of the input. Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/11/21 14:36:09 $
    2014-10-07 09:10:58下载
  • space_time_coding
    空时分组编码(STC)就是在空间域和时间域两维方向上对信号进行编码,是MIMO技术里面十分重要的一个环节。(Space-time block coding (STC) is in the space domain and time domain two-dimensional direction of the signal coding, MIMO technology, which is very important aspect.)
    2013-11-17 11:30:26下载
  • SER
    基于调和平均数方法分析瑞利信道多点两跳中继合作分集性能(Based on Harmonic Analysis of the average Rayleigh channel multi-point two-hop relay cooperative diversity performance)
    2009-01-06 13:04:18下载
  • BaseBandSignalproduce
    基频收发机设计以Matlab仿真,可以使初学者有效了解通信信道产生。(Baseband transceivers designed to Matlab simulation, so that beginners can learn effective communication channel generated.)
    2008-05-29 22:41:52下载
  • Finite-Difference-Method-solution-to-Laplaces
    Objective of the program is to solve for the steady state DC voltage using Finite Difference Method
    2012-09-30 22:32:58下载
  • SNR
    求信噪比的MATLAB源代码,用于通信系统学习(the matlab code for work out the SNR,for communication study)
    2013-10-21 10:30:01下载
  • AnalisisModal
    Modal Analysis for hydropower generation
    2015-03-10 21:58:20下载
  • 8-(1)
    图像修复是对图像中破损区域进行信息填充,以减少图像破损所带来的信息损失的过程。 传统的图像修复方法需要依赖图像的具体结构来制定相应的修复方法,压缩感知理论的提出,使得可以利 用信号的稀疏性来对图像进行修复。基于K 奇异值分解(KSVD)与形态学成分分析(MCA,Morphological Component Analysis)的图像修复方法首先采用形态学成分分析方法对破损图像进行特征分析,将其分解 为结构部分和纹理部分;然后基于学习型字典KSVD分别对这两部分进行过完备字典训练;最后利用训练得 到的字典实现对破损图像的修复。相比于传统的图像修复方法,该方法具有适应性强、修复效果好等优点(Image inpainting is to fill the missing data in corrupted images and thus to reduce the information loss of damaged image. Traditional inpainting algorithms are dependent on specific structure of target images compressive sensing theory makes is possible to realized image inpainting with signal sparsity. This paper proposes a novel inpainting algorithm based on KSVD and MCA algorithm, which first decomposes the image into texture part and structure part, and then trains the two dictionaries for these two parts with KSVD and reconstructs the original image with these two trained dictionaries. Experiment indicates that the proposed algorithm is of better adaptability and performance as compared with traditional algorithms.)
    2020-07-31 15:08:38下载
  • 一个信号特征提取、信号消噪开源码
    基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法,相关分析过程的matlab方法,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,感应双馈发电机系统的仿真,基于matlab GUI界面设计,基于互功率谱的时延估计。
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