如果你用 MFC 编写过多文档界面(MDI)Windows 程序,那么肯定知道:如果父窗口标题为“PCaption”,子窗口标题为“CCaption”,那么每当...
如果你用 MFC 编写过多文档界面(MDI)Windows 程序,那么肯定知道:如果父窗口标题为“PCaption”,子窗口标题为“CCaption”,那么每当子窗口最大化并处于激活状态时,子窗口标题一般都会与父窗口标题合二为一,变成“PCaption-[CCaption]”。 这是一种 MDI 的默认行为。用 C# 编写多文档界面程序也不例外。很多用户都不喜欢这种缺省特性,往往想用定制的窗口标题取而代之。该例子示范如何在C#程序中定制和修改MDI应用的窗口标题。-If you use MFC prepared excessive document interface (MDI) Windows procedures, Well know for sure : If the father window entitled "PCaption" Subwindow entitled "CCaption," then maximize the window whenever son was in a state of activation, Subwindow heading generally patriarchal heading into one window, become "PCaption-[CCaption]." This is a MDI default behavior. C# prepared multi-document interface procedures are no exception. Many users do not like this default characteristics are often customized to use the title of the window replaced. The examples demonstrate how C# procedures customization and modification of MDI application"s window title.