首页 » AI-NN-PR » 改进遗传算法-郭涛算法做最优化问题很管用,算法的基本思想是 先任意产生n个随机数,然后从n个数里随机选择m个数,再有这m个 数合成一个新数,将这个新数同...

改进遗传算法-郭涛算法做最优化问题很管用,算法的基本思想是 先任意产生n个随机数,然后从n个数里随机选择m个数,再有这m个 数合成一个新数,将这个新数同...

于 2023-02-04 发布 文件大小:2.73 kB
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改进遗传算法-郭涛算法做最优化问题很管用,算法的基本思想是 先任意产生n个随机数,然后从n个数里随机选择m个数,再有这m个 数合成一个新数,将这个新数同n个数中间适应值函数值的最差的比较, 如果好的话就取代最差的那个,如果它比最好的还要好的话,则把最好的 也取代。如果比最差的坏,则重新合成一个新数。依次循环下去。 程序的奇妙之处是GA_crossover()函数,产生的新数确实比较好,看看 那位大侠能改进一下,产生比这跟好的数。-improved genetic algorithm- Guo Tao done optimization algorithm is very effective, and the algorithm is the first basic idea arbitrary n generated random number and then the number li n m randomly selected number, and this number m of a new synthesis of the new middle with n number fitness function of the worst by comparison, if a good case to replace the worst, um, if it even than the best, then ruled the best have replaced. If worse than the worst, a de novo synthesis of new. Followed by the cycle continues. The magic of procedures is GA_crossover () function, the new really good to see heroes who can be improved upon, it generated more than a few with a good.



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