通用的jsp分页组件,实例化后只需设置好各种属性,然后调用API即可得到已封装好“首页” “上一页”,“下一页”等分页操作的html表格String,直接在js...
通用的jsp分页组件,实例化后只需设置好各种属性,然后调用API即可得到已封装好“首页” “上一页”,“下一页”等分页操作的html表格String,直接在jsp页面中即可, 支持跳转到jsp和跳转到Action(struts架构)两种类型,支持单选或者多选列,支持传Vector 或者sql语句,支持数据库后端分页.... 具体参见源码包中“使用说明.txt”,里面有详细的设置步骤,使用示例源码 -common jsp Pagination components, examples of installed only after the various attributes, Then API can be called Packaging has been good, "Home" and "Previous" "Next" Pages operation html forms String directly in jsp pages can be. Jump to support jsp and Jump to Action (struts framework) two types, support electoral constituency or more out in support of Vector- or sql statement. Pagination backend database support .... see, in particular source package "for use. txt " There are detailed steps to set up, use examples FOSS