首页 » Windows开发 » 由用户输入系统进程数(最多50个进程)来模拟优先级调度算法假设进程是同时到达CPU,进程运行时间(1...


于 2023-01-17 发布 文件大小:2.29 kB
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由用户输入系统进程数(最多50个进程)来模拟优先级调度算法假设进程是同时到达CPU,进程运行时间(1-10秒)和进程优先级 (1-10,10最高1最低)由程序随机产生,进程有2种状态就绪状态(Ready)和完成状态(Complete)首先根据优先级对进程进行排序,再根据优先级分配时间片运行每次分给进程的时间片为1秒,运行完后需运行时间减1优先级减1转下一个进程。如果进程已经完成就插入到完成队列,如果没有完成就重新插入到就绪队列中的正确位置 程序有两种运行方式: 1、可以直接给出最后的运行结果,进程最后的优先级、 运行完每一个进程的时间及完成进程的总时间,进程最后的状态。 2、可以选择自动运行,过程中显示每一次调度信息包括本次调度进程完成队列信息就绪队列信息等*/ -Process user input from a number of systems (up to 50 processes) to simulate priority scheduling algorithm is the assumption that the process of arrival at the same time CPU, the process of run-time (1-10 seconds) and the process priority class (1-10,10 highest minimum 1) randomly generated by the process, the process has two kinds of status status ready (Ready) and achieve status (Complete) First of all, the process in accordance with the priority ranking, and distribution in accordance with the priority of each time slice to run to the process time slice for the second one, to be run after run-time priority class minus one minus one to t



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