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Chinese chess. The project is in Visual Studio.net 2003 built under Win32 consol...

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中国象棋。该项目系在Visual Studio.net 2003下所建的Win32控制台项目(使用其它版本的编译器只需新建一个Win32控制台项目,然后逐一加入所有的.cpp文件和.h文件即可),其目的只是简单地测试引擎。因而该程序不提供用户着法的合法性检测,以及棋局的结束处理等。 下棋方式: 用户按输入起点坐标、终点坐标的方式下棋; (棋盘左下角计作(0,0),右上角计作(8,9)) 同样,程序反馈起点坐标、终点坐标作为计算机方的走棋行为。 例如: 用户第一步走:炮二平五 则输入7242,回车 计算机回应:马8进7 则屏幕输出79 67 -Chinese chess. The project is in Visual Studio.net 2003 built under Win32 console project (using the other version of the compiler simply create a new Win32 console project, and then adding one by one all. Cpp files and. H file can be), its The purpose of simply testing the engine. Thus the program does not provide users with the legitimacy of law detection, and treatment, such as the end game. Play chess the way: the user input according to the starting point coordinates, end coordinates of the way a game of chess (lower left-hand corner of the chessboard for the (0,0), the upper right corner of dollars for (8,9)) Similarly, the starting point coordinates of the feedback process, the end o



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