内部排序算法比较 一、需求分析 1. 实验要对以下6种常用的内部排序算法进行实测比较:起泡,直接插入,简单选择,快速,希尔,堆排序。 2. 待排序表...
内部排序算法比较 一、需求分析 1. 实验要对以下6种常用的内部排序算法进行实测比较:起泡,直接插入,简单选择,快速,希尔,堆排序。 2. 待排序表的表长不小于100,其中的数据要用伪随机数产生(RAND()),至少要用5组不现的输入数据作比较,比较的指标为有关键字参加的比较次数和关键字参加的比较次数和关键字的移动次数。 3. 最后要对结果作出简单分析,包括对各组数据得出结果波动大小的解释。 -internal sorting algorithm 1, a demand analysis. Experiment on the following six kinds of internal sorting algorithm measured comparison : foaming, direct insertion, simple choice, rapid, Hill, Heap Sort. 2. Sorting tables to the long table is not less than 100, which use the data generated pseudo-random number (RAND ()), be at least five sets of input data are provided for comparison. comparable indicators for the keyword in the number of keywords and the number of participants and the number of mobile keyword. 3. Finally, the results of a simple analysis, including data on the outcome of fluctuations in the size of explanation.