根据语音频谱分析和频谱图显示的原理与算法,用MATLAB实现一种可在PC机上实现的信号频谱分析与频谱图伪彩色映射显示的方法。(According to voice spectrum analysis and spectrum diagram shows the principle and algorithm, using MATLAB to achieve a realization of machines in the PC spectrum of the signal frequency spectrum analysis and pseudo-color map display method.)
- 2009-04-25 23:12:33下载
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My code is implementation of classic snakes, according to the article of Active contour model. I m making reduction of external curve to the center which searching for extremum (the strongest intensity gradient of edge).
- 2009-05-08 20:21:53下载
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geometric shape modeling3
- 2011-11-28 15:57:43下载
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Restricted Boltzmann Machine with binary visible ,hidden units and GPU (CUDA) support.
- 2013-12-25 16:43:52下载
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通过图像像素点之间的相关性来判断该像素点为噪声点还是信号点,进而对其进行滤波。(first, we judge the image pixel that it is noise pixel or signal pixel by compute the correlations between them.then we remove the noise of the image.)
- 2009-05-26 16:06:27下载
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本MATLAB程序 用MATLAB 来实现3D 图像的匹配 用高斯卷积 来寻找 关键点 ,再利用关键点处的特征向量 通过3D向量的匹配 来实现3D 图像的配准(The MATLAB program using MATLAB to realize the matching of 3D images using Gaussian convolution to find the key points, re-use the key points of the feature vector through the 3D vector matching to realize 3D image registration)
- 2007-08-01 09:49:17下载
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说明: 将训练之后的模型进行测试,对单幅图像进行相应的去雨(Removing rain from single images via a deep detail network)
- 2020-12-28 12:09:02下载
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计算不同大小球形粒子集合的散射,粒子大小分布在fd.m文件中更改(calculation of scattering by sphere particles which has different sizes discribed by a distribution function)
- 2015-01-17 22:32:44下载
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(Using MATLAB programming several reconstruction algorithm compression perceived, is commissioning complete a few good programs, including OMP algorithm, jHwFkY program, CoSaMP,MVzwiGL structure, etc., and now includes a variety of constructors.
- 2016-01-10 10:26:17下载
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ANN的MATLAB实例详解,通过对matlab语言如何编程进行实例解析,是学习ANN的很好教程(Detailed examples of ANN in MATLAB through the matlab programming language for examples of how to resolve, are a good ANN Study Guide)
- 2009-03-02 20:14:51下载
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