支持动画特效显示的条形棒图图表示例控件源代码,支持缩放,支持 X,Y坐标轴标识,支持图标主标题及副标题设定,支持图例值悬浮显示,支持渐变色图形条,已经修改支持中...
支持动画特效显示的条形棒图图表示例控件源代码,支持缩放,支持 X,Y坐标轴标识,支持图标主标题及副标题设定,支持图例值悬浮显示,支持渐变色图形条,已经修改支持中文显示。听说占用资源有点厉害,喜欢的朋友可以动手处理一下。-To support the animation effects of the strip bar chart shows examples of control charts source code, support zoom, support for X, Y axes logo, icon support the main heading and subheading set up to support the legend shows the value of suspension, support gradient color graphics article has been modified to support Chinese display. I heard a little bit worse occupied resources, like friends can do you deal with.